Tax Summary
The State of Florida is ranked 4th best overall in a favorable tax climate by the Tax Foundation.
State Personal Income Tax: None
State Corporate Income Tax: 5.5% with credits for job growth, R&D and investment.
State Sales Tax: 6% with a local additional sales tax of 1%
The millage rates are detailed in the table below:
Ad Valorem |
City of Port St. Lucie |
City of Ft. Pierce |
County |
County Parks and Public Transit |
0.2500 |
0.2500 |
0.2500 |
Erosion & Storm Water Mgmt |
0.1000 |
0.1000 |
0.5731 |
Law Enforcement & Jail |
2.7294 |
2.7294 |
3.5697 |
School System and Children's Services Council |
6.6130 |
6.6130 |
6.6130 |
County General Fund |
4.2222 |
4.2222 |
4.2222 |
Municipality Specific |
5.0550 |
6.9000 |
0.5000 |
Fire District |
3.0000 |
3.0000 |
3.0000 |
Water Management and Mosquito Control |
0.3653 |
0.3653 |
0.3653 |
FL Inland Navigation |
0.0288 |
0.0288 |
0.0288 |
Total Millage |
22.3637 |
24.2087 |
19.1221 |
Note: Tangible personal property is assessed at these same rates. Source: St. Lucie County Property Appraiser (2024 Rates). Does NOT include special district charges and other non-ad-valorem assessments that certain properties may be subject to.
Florida’s stable and highly favorable tax climate provides advantages that make a Florida location profitable for every type of business. Progressive legislation also ensures that Florida remains a worldwide hub for new and expanding businesses.
Florida has…
NO corporate income tax on limited partnerships
NO corporate income tax on subchapter S-corporations
NO state personal income tax guaranteed by constitutional provision
NO corporate franchise tax on capital stock
NO state-level property tax assessed
NO property tax on business inventories
NO property tax on goods-in-transit for up to 180 days
NO sales and use tax on goods manufactured or produced in Florida for export outside the state
NO sales tax on purchases of raw materials incorporated in a final product for resale, including non-reusable containers or packaging
NO sales/use tax on co-generation of electricity
Florida offers Sales and Use Tax Exemptions on…
Machinery and equipment used by a new or expanding Florida business to manufacture, produce or process tangible personal property for sale
Labor, parts and materials used in repair of and incorporated into machinery and equipment
Electricity used in the manufacturing process
Certain boiler fuels (including natural gas) used in the manufacturing process
Semiconductor, defense and space technology-based industry transactions involving manufacturing equipment
Machinery and equipment used predominantly in research and development
Labor component of research and development expenditures
Commercial space activity — launch vehicles, payloads and fuel, machinery and equipment for production of items used exclusively at Spaceport Florida
Aircraft parts, modification, maintenance and repair, sale or lease of qualified aircraft
Production companies engaged in Florida in the production of motion pictures, made for television motion pictures, television series, commercial music videos or sound recordings.
Combined with Florida’s other business advantages and excellent quality of life, this cost competitive environment creates an unbeatable value proposition for both business owners and employees alike.
(Source: Enterprise Florida, Inc.)